How to Quit Alcohol in 50 Days: Downloadable Programme Workbook
Simon Chapple
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This free downloadable programme workbook is designed to accompany Simon Chapple's How to Quit Alcohol in 50 Days. The ebook edition of How to Quit Alcohol in 50 Days is available for purchase separately on the John Murray Learning website.
Simon Chapple is a Certified Alcohol Coach who has helped
thousands of people change the way that alcohol features in their lives. In How
to Quit Alcohol in 50 Days he'll give you a structured way to find complete
freedom from alcohol - for now, or forever.
This 50-day journey to freedom is split into two parts. Days
1-25 will ask you to take an honest look at the impact alcohol has had on your
life, to examine the reasons for your drinking, and will arm you with the best
strategy for quitting alcohol successfully. Days 26-50 will ask you to make the
commitment to taking a break from alcohol - taking each step with one chapter a
day, and answering the questions that come up.
There are strategies for dealing with challenges and setbacks, and a wealth of resources for finding support and inspiration. Above all, there is a genuine passion for the sober adventure, and the huge rewards of an alcohol-free life - a life of freedom that's waiting for you.
'An inspirational manifesto' - Annie Grace
'The sober life is so superior to the drinking life that there is no contest. But drinkers find [it] hard to change, and the sober coach takes the hand of the reader and shows them the beautiful truth: that alcohol is a pathetic and unpleasant little drug.' - William Porter, author of 'Alcohol Explained'
'Simon is truly passionate... he will take you on a step-by-step journey to sobriety.' - Judy C
You will be able to access this title online, download it to John Murray Learning app, or download a printable PDF to your computer.
If you would like to access the title on Kindle you will need to purchase via the website then download an installable application file from our website and install it on your device.